Jun 5, 2021
I am delighted today to have Dr. Jade Teta as my guest! He is an integrative physician, author, and expert in natural health, fitness, metabolism, and self-development. He spent the last 25 years immersed in the study of strength and conditioning, hormonal metabolism, and the psychology of change and success. He recently started a new company, Next Level Human. It combines his medical and fitness knowledge with his expertise in self-development and mindset change. He writes and lectures extensively to healthcare professionals and the public about lifestyle medicine, natural health, and mindset change.
Hormonal health and metabolic issues are an enormous pain point for many of my followers and the women in my program. Making lifestyle shifts can be very valuable in helping us develop healthy metabolic habits and easing us through the changes that both men and women tend to go through in middle age. Join us on the show today to hear Dr. Teta’s story and learn about some lifestyle changes that you can make to improve your metabolic processes and better your hormonal health.
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